Monday, July 30, 2012

Watching the Olympics on tv is bringing back so many memories!  During the summer of 2004, I was blessed to travel with 7 other wonderful women to Athens, Greece, to participate in “hospitality ministries” to the athletes and spectators of the Olympic Games.  I was pregnant with Aaron (who is now 7 ½).  We were housed in a church in the “shadow” of the Acropolis, across the street from Hadrian’s Arch.  It was a prime location, both for Greek history and the excitement of the Olympics!

From this prime spot, we were able to see the torch carried in for the opening ceremonies.  It passed right in front of me, close enough that I could have tripped the carrier (I didn’t, obviously, but I could have!  That’s how close it was!)  We were also able to watch the cycling from our church “home”.   It was an amazing experience! 

Friday, July 27, 2012

My Olympic Protest!

I have to voice a protest against the Australian Olympic committee!  As you probably know (or you know if you read my blog…), Chris “Macca” McCormack is my favorite professional triathlete.  He is a 2 time winner of the Ironman World Championship, but he had a dream of racing in the Olympics!  Much to my disappointment, he did not compete in Kona last year as he sought his dream to be in the Olympics.  Yet, when the time came to choose the team, he was not put on it!  He will not be racing in the London Olympics.  So, to the Australian Olympic Committee (or whatever you are called!) I say a big resounding “BOO!”   

The Olympics!

As all eyes look toward London and the opening ceremonies tonight, our family is excited about another one of our favorite sporting events!  The Olympics!  The Olympics are something that we hold near and dear to our hearts.  I have been on mission trips to 2 different Olympic Games.  Both times I was pregnant!  You will notice that I am writing this from home this year!  Tee hee!  Over the next few days, I will be sharing from my Olympic experiences and maybe even sharing some Ironman/Olympic comparisons!

A look at the Summer Olympics in Athens, Greece in 2004!
 Cycling in Athens!  This was right in front of the church we were staying at! 

 Handing out water to Olympic spectators!

In front of the Olympic Flame!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Happy Birthday, James!
Today we celebrate our favorite Ironman turning 38!

 The boys and I got him “A Life Without Limits” by Chrissie Wellington as a birthday present.

 Rylan and Daddy shared a “Reuben” at the Hibernian Irish Pub and Restaurant

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Ok folks, here we go!
12 weeks and counting to B2B 70.3
Time to get training!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

I recently took the boys to pick blackberries.  Rylan, especially, had a good time!  He ran up and down the row, a blackberry in each hand, yelling “bla bewweey!  Bla bewweey!”

What a difference a year makes!  Last summer, we could barely get Aaron in the water.  Now, we can hardly get him out of it!  He now loves to swim and will even “dive” into the deep end!
We don’t want to pressure him, but his Daddy would really love it if he grew up to be a triathlete.  Now, if we could just get him on a bike…
 Aaron “diving”, July, 2012

 Here’s Aaron trying to drown James at the “Dip-N-Dash” in Kona, October, 2011

I find it highly ironic that the reason for my blog (my family), is the same reason I cannot blog as much as I would like to!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

 Aaron enjoying his Aunt Alicia and Uncle Kevin’s pool!

Friday, July 6, 2012

I know I tend to repeat myself when I talk about how winning the lottery slot to the 2011 Ironman World Championship has changed our lives.  The truth is though, our lives are so totally different than they were 15 months ago!

I recently found myself thinking how “tame” this summer seems.  We have been busy, but it seems as if we are standing still compared to last summer!

By this time last summer, we had already traveled to Buffalo Springs Lake and James had completed the ½ Ironman required to secure his slot.  The days when James was not at work were spent training and preparing for the trip.  He would ride his bike or run, and we would follow him around the county with water and gatorade!  This summer, our “free” days are spent at the pool!

Even though we will not be in Kona in October, our hearts are still there.  I don’t think a day goes by that we do not talking about Ironman or triathlon!  We talk about our trip, we talk about the pros and who will win this year, we talk about the lottery slot winners this year and what they are going through right now as they get ready for Kona, and we talk about our Ironman dreams…where we want to race in the future!  Ironman has definitely consumed our family!
 There is nothing like the excitement of a 7-year-old boy with fireworks!

 July 4th is the day America celebrates it’s independence!  Our family is extremely thankful for all the freedoms we have as Americans!  

 As a firefighter, James does not get to take the day off, unlike most people.  If his shift falls on July 4, he has to go to work.  This year, his shift did fall on the holiday, so we celebrated the night before.